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Violence Against Women Artpiece

In our art piece, we wanted to channel the part of violence against women that happens online. To do this, we used cracks and shatter marks to give the illusion of a broken phone screen, and the social media icons to portray the many platforms where violence can occur. What many people don't fully comprehend is that so much of the violence against women happens online. This happens because it is easier for the attackers to hide behind their computer or phone screen. As a matter of fact, women are 27% more likely to be targeted online than men. We included quotes from many online media platforms to show the extent of which the targeting and violence occurs. In the next slides, we will discuss the inspirational artwork example, and the historical example that really supported the entire project and quilt.

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Inspiration: Erica Stephens

Erica Stephens was used as our inspiration for this project. She came out with a series of art pieces that she uses specifically to fight against Violence Against Women. The way she describes the art pieces was to illustrate "tenuous line between desire and anger that women are often on the receiving end of" (Nunn par. 5). The reason we used her as inspiration is because of how raw and real she made her artwork. The bright red paint against the shading of the black and white represents blood, showing the more physical side of Violence Against Women.

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Violence Against Women



The Violence Against Women Act was first put into action in 1994, which means it just passed its 25 year anniversary. This is a huge accomplishment for women as it is providing support for many women when they are at their most vulnerable state. Through their actions, VAWA has been able to provide support to women by strengthening investigations/prosecutions for sex related crime against women and granting programs that help  solve the issue at many different angles and perspectives. This organization was really the backbone for the project and art piece because it provided many solutions and ways to bring about a brighter tomorrow for all of the women targeted by the act of violence against women. Through all of this, VAWA continues to move in the right direction with the hope of putting an end to Violence Against Women.



November 25 is the International Day for Elimination of Violence Against Women. It is also associated with the #HearMeToo movement, which gives women a voice in a wold dominated by man. The reason it is called "orange day" is to show a bright color that indicates a brighter future for all women.

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